
中村七之助さんと深津絵里さんの共演で話題の舞台「ETERNAL CHIKAMATSU」へ


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Bettyokoのきもの日記 第2回

Bunkamura シアターコクーン「ETERNAL CHIKAMATSU」--近松門左衛門 『心中天網島』より--」 

東京・渋谷のBunkamura シアターコクーンで上演されている「ETERNAL CHIKAMATSU」--近松門左衛門 『心中天網島』より--」を観劇してきました。 


物語では、女優・深津絵里さんが演じる現代女性ハルと、 女方の七之助さんによる江戸時代の遊女・小春の人生が、時空を超えて交錯。 それぞれの役を生身の女優さんと女方が演じることにより、 時代背景や役柄のコントラストが、女優さん同士のお芝居よりも、より鮮やかに感じられました。 

遊女・小春の衣裳や化粧、髪型は、歌舞伎のものとはもちろん違うのですが、 歌舞伎で培われた女方の"型"や所作は、お芝居の随所に発揮されています。 男性が演じるからこそ、より際立つ、女らしさ。 真正面を向かず身体を少し斜めにすることで細く女らしく見せたり 肘をあまり身体から離さず、指を常に揃えることで仕草を優美に見せるテクニックは 私たちがきものを着た際にも参考にできそうです。 

近松の『心中天網島』とは異なる、思いがけない結末が待っているお芝居。 公演は、2016年3月27日(日)までです。 


Go to the theatre in Kimonos Vol.2 
「ETERNAL CHIKAMATSU」 based on 『Shinju Ten no Amijima("The Love Suicide at Amijima")』by Chikamatsu Monzaemon at the THEATRE COCOON of the Bunkamura

I watched 「ETERNAL CHIKAMATSU」 based on『Shinju Ten no Amijima("The Love Suicide at Amijima")』by Chikamatsu Monzaemon at THEATRE COCOON in Shibuya Tokyo. 『Shinju Ten no Amijima("The Love Suicide at Amijima")』 is a popular piece written by the great playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon, and played as a Bunraku and Kabuki play many times. The English Director, Mr. David Leveaux incorporated a lot of ideas into this piece, and many fans are praising his sensational collaborative work. 

In Kabuki, male actors play all of the female roles too. So I was very curious about the development of the chemistry between Shichinosuke Nakamura, the Kabuki actor as a female role, and Eri Fukatsu, the real female actress. 

In this story the actress Eri Fukatsu plays the role of Haru and the Kabuki actor Shichinosuke Nakamura plays the role of Koharu, an indentured prostitute who lived in the Edo era (18th century). In some kind of time slip Haru encountered Koharu. 

Haru and Koharu are played by an actress and a Kabuki actor, which brings out the contrast between the world today and Chikamatsu's world very clearly. 

The costumes and hairstyles of Koharu are far from the Kabuki style. 

But his techniques of feminine expression were based on the well-trained Onnagata(female role actor) experiences in the Kabuki performances. It is magical; a man moves more feminine than a female. 

He never faces the audience, but slightly aslant to look thin and modest. He also keeps both his elbows close to his body, and puts all his fingers of both hands together neatly to look elegant and graceful. We can learn a lot when wearing a kimono by watching his graceful behavior. 

The unexpected conclusion of this play is different from the original story of Chikamatsu Monzaemon. 

「ETERNAL CHIKAMATSU」 runs through March 27th 

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 02 / 12




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2025 / 02 / 12
