金丸座の中で目を引いたのが、お客様を座席に案内したり 筋書(プログラム)の販売を行ったりしている“お茶子さん”たちの、絣のきものです。
(写真は2005年に取材で伺った際に撮影させていただいたもので、 現在では帯は黄色ではなく緑色のものを使用しています。撮影/鍋島徳恭) 部分的に染め分けた糸で模様を織り上げる絣は、軽く、丈夫で、 明治から昭和初期にかけては、仕事着として重宝されたと言われています。 藍染めの絣のきものに赤い前掛けの姿は、古い芝居小屋に映え、強く印象に残りました。 先日、東京オリンピック、パラリンピックのエンブレムが 藍色を主役にしたデザインのものが決定しましたが、 芝居小屋も、絣の仕事着も、藍という色も、 日本の“いいもの”を、いつまでも現役で楽しみ続けたいですね。
https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/ Go to the theater Vol.5
"KOIBIKYAKU YAMATO OURAI FUINGIRI" Shikoku Kompira Kabuki Oshibai in the evening show There is the Kyu Kompira Oshibai(Old Kompira Grand Theater), called Kanamaruza in the town of Kotohira, Kagawa prefecture. It is the oldest playhouse in Japan built in 1835. The 32nd Shikoku Kompira Kabuki Oshibai(spring kabuki) has been played every year from 1985 and popular for the building and specially equipped stage set. When you go through the small wooden entrance, the playhouse of the Edo era welcome you. The lanterns with the Kabuki actors' emblems written on it are hanging from the grape vine trellis made by woven bamboo, and all audience seats of first floor are box seat with the tatami mat. Furthermore all the stage sets are manpower just like the Edo era without the electricity. The native staffs adjust the brightness with opening and shutting the windows to the change of the scene. The turning stage also moves by the manpower under the stage. This year the special play with the announcement of the name taking of Nakamura Ganjiro is played and the audiences are especially excited. Following "ANMA TO DOROBO" and "SAGIMUSUME", "KOIBIKYAKU YAMATO ORAI FUINKIRI"(the play commemorating succession of the name of Nakamura GanjiroⅣ) was played in the evening show. Chubei (adopted by the merchant whose business is courier to transport money) wanted to buy his beloved Umekawa(a courtesan) freedom, but didn't have enough money. He borrowed some money from his friend Hachiemon. One day he overheard Hchiemon abusing him. Enraged, he confronted Hachiemon and carried away by his eagerness to show him that he has enough money to pay for the courtesan, he opened the package containing 300 ryo that he is supposed to delivering a customer. It was the beginning of the tragedy. The audiences watch the actors Nakamura Ganjiro(Chubei), Kataoka Ainosuke(Hachiemon) and Nakamura Kazutaro (Umekawa) closely, so they can recognize the actors sweating and breathing. The audience was drawn into the play. We can imagine how the people in the Edo era enjoy the Kabuki. It was KASURI kimono the Ocyako (staff) wore to have paid attention in the theater. The Ochako sell the playbills and guide the audience to their sheets at the theatre. This picture was taken in 2005. The color of the belt has changed to green now. Photo/ Naruyasu Nabeshima The KASURI, indigo kimono with splashes sober white pattern is lightweight and durable. It is said that the KASURI was used for working wear from the Meiji era to the beginning of the Showa era. The contrast of indigo KASURI kimono and red apron stood out in the old play house and was so impressive. The emblem of the Tokyo Olympic and Tokyo Paralympic was decided to the indigo design. We hope to enjoy the Japan's precious thing, like the old play hose, KASURI working wear, and the color of indigo, ever after.
The unit of Betty and YokoBetty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad.