
ピアノ柄の半幅帯を纏っての観劇もおすすめ。 新作歌舞伎「夢幻恋双紙 」へ


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今回の「夢幻恋双紙 赤目の転生」の台詞は、すべて現代語。三味線と長唄の下座音楽や附けも入りますが、メインの音楽は邦楽器ではなく、何とピアノでした。 歌舞伎にピアノ、という組み合わせは斬新ですが、さまざまなキャラクターに生まれ変わる太郎と、それを受け容れつつ幸せになれない歌の、人間としての弱さやエゴが時代設定を超えてリアルに伝わって来るお芝居に、ピアノの音色は思いがけないほど自然にマッチしていました。 

こちらは、壱の蔵 青山サロンで見つけたピアノの柄の半幅帯。近代的な劇場での新作歌舞伎の公演なら、お芝居のエッセンスに合わせて、こんなモダンなデザインの半幅帯で遊んでみるのも良いかもしれません。 

こちらは、舞台装置のキーモチーフとして象徴的に使われていた、切り絵風の木を思わせるデザインの半幅帯。 どちらの半幅帯もリバーシブルなので、結び方でさまざまな表情が楽しめます。 現在発売中の『きものSalon 2017春夏号』でも特集している半幅帯のおしゃれ。 壱の蔵の弓岡勝美さんによる31パターンもの結び方を学べる単行本『おとなの半幅帯結び スタイルブック』も好評です。 

半幅帯のアレンジを楽しみたいなら、一般的な名古屋帯(約3.6m)よりも少し長めのものを選ぶこと。先ほどご紹介したピアノ柄、切り絵風の柄の帯は、どちらも4m以上ありますので、さまざまな結び方が可能です。 5月21日(日)には世界文化社にて、6月17日(土)、18日(日)には壱の蔵青山サロンにて、半幅帯結び講座を開催。『おとなの半幅帯結び スタイルブック』を持参すると初回は無料で参加できます。詳しくは壱の蔵青山サロン(TEL:03-6450-5701)へお問い合わせください。 


Bettyoko’s Kimono Diary
Go to the Theatre in Kimonos Vol.27
“Yume Maboroshi-ka Koi Zoshi-Akame no Tensei (Reincarnation of the Red-Eye)” at ACT Theatre

Akasaka Kabuki, “Reincarnation of the Red-Eye” is now playing at ACT Theatre in Akasaka Tokyo. I went to see it. 

Akasaka Kabuki was founded in 2008. This is 5th edition of this event with the venture of the newly play written and directed by modern playwright, Ryuta Horai. The story is about a young couple, Taro (played by Nakamura Kankuro) and Uta (played by Nakamura Shchinosuke). Their marriage failed to due to Taro’s weak character, and he was killed by Uta’s brother. However, he was reborn and strived to make beloved Uta happy through repeated reincarnations in which his personality changes each time. Finally, it was revealed that there was dreadful disturber and it left the audience lingering wonder. 

All lines were modern spoken languages, but the musical instruments were the traditional Japanese string, shamisen and the nagauta, but the main part was played with piano. Using piano in Kabuki was innovative approach, and the sound of piano was in harmony with this new play in which the audience felt the universal that the human has weakness and ego in all ages. 

I found the piano designed hanhaba-obi (half width belt of kimono) at Ichinokura Kimono Salon in Aoyama. For the Kabuki performance at the modern theatre, can I suggest you being a fashionable audience with the modern design linked to the essence of the play? Another one has the unique design which remind me of the stage set. It is kirigami (paper cut out)-like design. They are reversible, and you can enjoy double number of the shapes of knot. 

This popular book,” Otonano hanhaba-obi musubi style book” (how to make a woman-like knot of hanhaba-obi) written by Katsumi Yumioka introduces you a variety of the shapes of knots of hanhaba-obi (half width belt of kimono). You should choose the long one with over four meters to enjoy many styles of the knots. Kimono Salon magazine will have the lesson class to learn how to use a hanhaba-obi in Ichigaya on May 21, and at Ichinokura Kimono Salon in Aoyama on June 17 and 18. Bring this book, and you will have the first lesson for free. For more information call at 03-6450-5701 

Nakamura Kankuro and Shichinosuke are trying to find new way of Kabuki by learning from the tradition and taking on new challenges. 

It is nice to support such challenging Kabuki actors with new playfully styled Kimono. 

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 02 / 18




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2025 / 02 / 18
