
花形歌舞伎役者さんの写真展へ 紋付袴でのムービー撮影の舞台裏もご紹介


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黒紋付に袴姿で、水しぶきをあげながら踊るお二人。同世代の役者さんのなかでもお芝居だけでなく舞踊にも秀でた歌昇さん、種之助さんならではの映像は美しく、迫力満点! 幸運にも撮影に立ち会うことができたのですが、都内某所のスタジオで黒い幕をはり、プールにくるぶし位まで水を入れた状態での撮影は、とてもエキサイティングなものでした。関係者にご許可をいただいて、貴重なバックステージ写真を一枚だけご紹介しますね。






Bettyoko’s Kimono Diary
Go to the Theatre in Kimonos Vol.37
Yoshihito Sasaguchi’s Photo Exhibition “Dreaming Butterflies-Nakamura Kasho and Tanenosuke”

The photo exhibition “Dreaming Butterflies” ran at Sony Imaging Gallery from September 1 through September 14. The photographer Yoshihito Sasaguchi has photographed young Kabuki star brothers Nakamura Kasho and Tanenosuke backstage. In all his photographs of the brother’s applying makeup and putting on costumes, we found their impressive look in the preparation for the stages. 

The original short movie of the brother’s Kabuki dance performance had been running all the time there. For the film effects their dances were shot in shallow pool. The brothers in black colored montsuki-hakama (formal men’s Kimono) jumped and turned with splash. Their movements perfected the beautiful and powerful film. I was sure that they are not only excellent Kabuki actors but also Kabuki dancers. It was a pleasure to have a chance of being in the studio as shooting this film. In the studio, the black curtain was hung and the pool was filled with water to the level of the ankle. Picture here is only one scene of the backstage of the filming. Even though montsuki-hakama is the formal Japanese Kimono wear, the brothers looked quite natural and smart in it because they usually wear kimono. As they assertively discussed about what and how they dance for the short movie with filming, it was so exciting and passionate atmosphere. The costumes were prepared by Norio Kasuga known to readers of the magazine “Kimono Salon” as the adviser of Kimono shop Ichinokura. The staff’s ingenious plans were compiled together to form this trial short movie which left excitement of the thought of what might be created next. 

The gallery was close to Kabukiza Theatre, so that many women came to see this exhibition in kimono. One lady wore the two butterflies designed obi(sash of kimono). The butterfly is the family crest of Harimaya which Kasho and Tanenosuke are belonged to. Other lady was in the yuzen (a type of dyeing method or pattern)-kimono with the butterfly hair ornament. Her father is yuzen artist and it is one of his works. Autumn is the season when there are so many art or photo exhibitions. It is nice to go to see them in kimonos. 

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 02 / 19




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2025 / 02 / 19
